In the first book of the Bible, God revealed His plan for humanity. In just the first four chapters, ten major components of God's plan are introduced.
Today, there is an organized, coordinated attack on the original plan of Jesus by very powerful entities in the world.
Who are these entities? How do they operate? And in what way does this affect you? Understanding God's plan fortifies us with strength and an inner sense of confidence and purpose.
1. Glory In The Garden
God reveals Himself in the first chapter of the Bible as an incredibly powerful, creative, and loving God. He tells us that we were made on purpose and in His image. Yet, these facts are totally obscured by the theory that we are the product of time and chance and subject to the dispassionate cruelties of the survival of the fittest. Is there scientific evidence to support God's account of creation?
2. Dirt and Dominion
Tasked with dominion over what God had created was one of the highest honors God could bestow on the human race. Today, we see an attack on the ownership of private property by very powerful political, economic, and religious entities. Why is this gift under attack and who is behind it?
3. A Snake In Paradise
Why is there suffering and pain in the world? Why did God put a snake in paradise? Did God create the devil? Who's responsible for all the chaos on this planet?
4. God in the Flesh
As soon as the human race fell under the power of God's enemy, a Deliverer was promised who would crush the Serpent's head. Who would this victor be? A mere human being, weakened and demoralized by sin, could never defeat the Devil. Come see how God's astounding plan to save the human race was accomplished through the achievements of a Mighty Savior.
5. Ruling Over Sin
Are we doomed to repeat the same hurtful behaviors over and over again? Are we stuck with our bad habits, unhealthy predilections, and harmful addictions? What are God's expectations for us and how does He work in our lives to give us victory over sin and bring us into harmony with Him?
6. A Gift for Mankind
The first two chapters of Genesis are packed full of beautiful gifts for God's children, but standing out above them all is the gift of worship. Worship was designed by the perfect gift Giver to bring us into intimate, awe-inspiring, life-changing communion with our Creator. This gift, often neglected throughout past ages, is under special attack today. But why? By Whom? And for what purpose?
7. God's Plan for Marriage
The union of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden was described in the creation account as a joining together of a man and his wife to become one flesh. This oneness teaches us about God His love for us, and His plan for familiies. God's model for the family is under attack as never before. Why is the devil so bent on destroying families and what can we do about it?
8. The Lie that Won't Die
Jesus called the Devil a liar and the father of it. That’s because, from the very beginning, way back in the Garden of Eden, at the Forbidden Tree, the Devil told a whopper of a lie that continues to deceive millions upon millions today, a lie crafted to impugn the loving, merciful, and just nature of the Life-giver. This attack on God’s character has caused countless numbers of people to reject their Heavenly Father. How can we safeguard ourselves, as well as others, against this lie?
9. Abundant Health
Everything that God created in the beginning was designed to provide the human family with life overflowing with the blessings of physical health, intellectual advancement, and emotional and spiritual fulfillment. Why do so many in the world today suffer from illness and disease, disordered thoughts, and emotional turmoil? Is it possible to get back to the blessings of Eden? How can we live with abundant health today?
10. Eden Restored
At the cross of Calvary, Satan’s claim to the Earth and its inhabitants were obliterated. What is God waiting for now? How will God physically reclaim what is rightfully His by creation and redemption? Don’t miss the thrilling climax of how God will finally reconcile believers to Himself and restore the Earth to its original beauty.
Bill Nixon
Pastor Bill Nixon is a veteran pastor of 24+ years in ministry. He has a deep love for the Word of God and a special interest in current events and how they relate to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
His passion is sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with others and helping them experience the light of prophecy that shines brighter and brighter until the day of Christ's return.
Make plans to join us on November 8th at 6:00 PM. You'll be glad you did!
Copyright 2024. Sponsored by the Willcox SDA Church.